martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Kyst - Underbyen

~ Kyst - Under Byen
The wet kiss of the sand
Above us the sky
Fragrant wet kisses
Above us the sky
Where the birds of prey
Screaming supplely / lithely
Violently circling
Above waves
We will be
Sanded fishing fruity
Raw meat against each others
Teeth and dreams
X-ray pictures
Of vigour / lushness
If you will allow me

"... Percibo que lo que siento por ti va mas allá de mis posibilidades corpóreas, que haces que me eleve tan alto que de ser tenue me convierto a ser constante y uniforme,  que de tan solo verte paso de lo gélido al enardecimiento, que verme reflejada en tus ojos me convierte en una explosion de atomos escapando hacia el espacio"

"... I perceive  what I feel for you is beyond my corporeal posibilities, you make me rise so high that  I become from tenouos to be constant and uniform, If I see you I translate myself from cold to inflamingt, If I Watch myself reflected in your eyes I become a burst of atoms escaping into space... "
¨[ Frg. a G. 10]